• Want better vision?Do you have cataracts and need a custom solution?
    Have you had cataract surgery and want better
    vision or freedom from glasses?

  • Dr Alison ChiuA highly experienced ophthalmologist and specialist refractive and cataract surgeon

  • Freedom of Vision
    Fully Trained Specialist

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  • Glasses fogging up?Reserve your laser eye surgery booking now and transform your life

May is Macula Month

May is Macula Month
May is Macula Month

May is Macula Month

Macular disease is the leading cause of blindness in Australia. The commonest causes of macular disease are

  • age-related macular degeneration, and
  • diabetic eye disease.

If you are aged over 55 you are at risk of age-related macular degeneration. In addition to age, family history and smoking are significant risk factors. Everyone with diabetes is at risk of developing vision loss. Good blood sugar control, past and current, as well good control of any high blood pressure and cholesterol, are important, as well as not-smoking.

Less common causes of macular disease are

  • retinal vascular occlusions (vein occlusion, arteriolar occlusion),
  • high myopia (short-sightedness),
  • epiretinal membrane,
  • vitreomacular traction syndrome,
  • macular hole,
  • retinal detachment, and
  • inherited diseases such as vitelliform macular dystrophy, retinitis pigmentosa, Stargardt’s disease.

If you would like to make an appointment to have your macula checked, please call 1300 DR CHIU (1300 37 2448) or email. Dr Chiu will take the time to explain your eye condition to you.

If you would like further information the Macular Disease Foundation (www.mdfoundation.com.au) has some fantastic resources for people living with macular disease, their families and carers. They can provide free access to relevant support services and publications, in different languages, and audio format.


  • The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Opthalmologists
  • Australian Society of Opthalmologists
  • envision eye centre
  • The University of Sydney
  • UNSW
  • NSW Health
  • University of Cambridge
  • UCL
  • Harvard University
  • Sydney Eye Hospital
  • St Vincents Hospital
  • Kinghorn Cancer Centre
  • AMA
  • Sydney Surgical Centre